Andread Mayers


Welcome! We are excited to have you to visit with us today!

My name is Andread and Iam the visionary and founder of Hope Legacy Impact.

I had a dream. I saw the word Hope in the sky. Then, I looked and saw a key over a door. Yes, a dream.

Later the word was decoded. H-help, O-other, P--people, E-excel.

I met a man, Mr. Joe Dudley,Sr. And I realized that I had been divinely inspired of how He helped others.

My mother taught me as a child that I should always help people.

My mentor of 25 years taught me of the value of the ministry of help.

Later, I met Dr. Willie Bailey; He has come alone side me. He helps with teaching and encourages me to keep going. 

Helping others is a virtue. It is a gift of moral excellence; goodness; righteousness.

We have selected a panelist of educators, Instructors, trainers, entrepreneurs, consultants, resource specialist, Funding experts and Investors, who have displayed the gift of help.

You will learn the education of doing; you will be inspired to grow and take your skills to help others. You will develop personal growth as you answer the call to offer HOPE to others business owners.

Come join us as we grow a global community.

Andread M.

Andread M
Hope Legacy Impact,

The Commwealth Community!